Preparing for Christ

Alan Millard  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2014
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Preparing for Christ

Your essential companion
By Chris Sinkinson
IVP. 208 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 844 749 041

Any book that draws people to the larger part of the Bible is welcome. Readers of EN can be sure of the quality of this one, because its author writes the monthly column ‘Unapologetic Christianity’.

In his friendly way, Chris Sinkinson pilots us through smooth and through turbulent currents, from complexities in history and the odd behaviour of some Hebrew heroes to the relevance of the Law for today. Each of the nine chapters ends with a passage for study and questions for discussion. Throughout, the author demonstrates the fulfillment of the Old Testament in the New, concluding, ‘the real point of this story … the significance of who Jesus really is. Not only a time lord, Jesus Christ is the Lord of time’.

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