The pursuit of health

Dr. Pablo Fernandez  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2014
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The pursuit of health

Rethinking the Christian’s approach to modern
By Christopher W. Bogosh
Reformation Heritage Books. 150 pages. £8.55
ISBN 978 1 601 782 281

The author is an experienced medical technician, critical and palliative care nurse who later trained for the pastoral ministry.

He currently combines work for a hospice organisation with preaching and teaching at his church in Georgia, USA. Although this book is written from the perspective of the US healthcare system and refers to it primarily, the principles it discusses have universal application. The pursuit of health as the ultimate good in life and the reliance on the promises of modern medicine for its attainment are becoming as unquestioned in modern Britain as in the US. The danger of making the pursuit of health and the prolongation of life at any cost our ultimate goal is real. It constitutes a form of idolatry to which Christians are as exposed as anybody else.

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