. . . and counting

David Sprouse  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2014
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. . . and counting

From text to message
By Adrian Reynolds
Proc. Trust/Christian Focus. 300 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 781 911 563

When a book to review lands on my doormat I am always a bit apprehensive, but my only disappointment in receiving Teaching Numbers was that I had just bought it!

Reading it opened up a book of the Bible to me which, I confess, I had not often read. Although part of inspired Scripture, we can be tempted to sideline Numbers, perhaps put off by the title, or just dip into it for the odd story like Balaam’s talking donkey. In this excellent book, Adrian Reynolds helps us to see the relevance of Numbers for Christians today. Teaching Numbers is the latest in the Proclamation Trust’s ‘Teaching the Bible’ series which all follow a similar formula to help the preacher work from text to message. As you would expect for a book from the Proclamation Trust, the text is handled carefully and methodically. Each section contains: Introduction, Listening to the Text, From Text to Message, Suggestions for Preaching and Suggestions for Teaching.

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