Fervently in favour

Stan K. Evers  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2013
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Fervently in favour

What it meant then, what it means now
By Hugh Hill
Monarch Books. 587 pages. £16.99
ISBN 978 0 857 214 133

I am enthusiastic about this book!

The author outlines the books of the Bible in both Old and New Testaments, commenting, in about 9-10 pages, on the doctrines, themes, characters and timelines found in each book. He is eager to show the application of each book to the lives of his readers. This material is based on an earlier book, A journey through the Bible, and is derived from a series of studies given at an evangelical Baptist church in Lincoln. Hugh Hill, a pastor in the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, now travels to help churches on mission and growth.

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