World evangelisation a century on

Daryl Jones  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2013
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World evangelisation a century on

In his time and ours
Edited by Robert L. Plummer & John Mark
IVP. 250 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978 1 844 746 156

In 1912, Roland Allen, a missions researcher and former missionary to China, published his book Missionary methods: St. Paul’s or ours? In the next 100 years, Allen’s book came to be regarded as a missiological classic.

This year marks the centennial of Allen’s book appearing in print and this new volume revisits what was written then to discover its relevance for the 21st century. What contribution has it made to missiology? How has Allen affected New Testament studies? Are the teachings found in this book still valid today? In what ways do our current missiological questions and concerns differ from 100 years ago. These are some of the question and issues that this book seeks to explore in two sections written by different missions theologians.

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