A guide for pilgrims
By Daniel R. Hyde
Reformation Trust. 178 pages. £7.69
ISBN 978 1 567 692 037
What I expected was a sort of profile or character study of a local church which held to and operated along Reformed, biblical convictions. This book covers that ground, but much more besides.
Having come to Reformed theology from a four-square church background, Daniel Hyde sets out to define the distinctives of a Reformed church and what it looks like. Hyde defines Reformed churches as Christian, Protestant and Reformed: Christian because they are rooted in the ancient ecumenical creeds — Apostolic, Nicene, Athanasian and Chalcedon; Protestant because they continue to hold to the Reformation solas; Reformed because they are ‘Churches that are Reformed according to the Word of God’ and expressing their theological convictions in the form of various Confessions and Catechisms. In many ways, this is where this book comes into its own.