Hope and healing for victims of sexual assault
By Justin Holcomb, Lindsey Holcomb . Crossway. 272 pages. £10.50
ISBN 978 1 433 515 989
This is a book about sexual assault and recovery from it. Justin and Lindsey are both US professionals — they seem to know their stuff and, importantly, they know their Bibles, which makes this a real help to those who face the issues the book tackles.
The authors are probably quoting US statistics when they say that one in four women and one in six men have been sexually assaulted, but presumably the data is not so different here in the UK. If that is so, it means there are at least a few people in your church who have suffered in this area (you?) and may need wise biblical counsel. You'll find it here. This is the kind of book that in certain circumstances you might give to someone, but more useful I would think is for pastors and church workers to read it and understand some of the issues at stake.