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Tim Bruton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2013
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The counter consensus
By Prof. Robert M. Carter. Stacey International. 200 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 906 768 294

Anyone buying this book for a serious balanced discussion on the evidence for or against climate change caused by human activity will be disappointed.

The title says it all. It is written to combat what Carter perceives as a worldwide conspiracy to mislead the public on what is happening to the earth’s climate. In Carter’s world the scientific community on climate change is divided into two groups — those aligned with the UN-sponsored, Nobel-prizewinning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and those who dispute the evidence for man-made climate change, termed by Carter the ‘independents’. Being funded by carbon-based businesses apparently does not influence their independence. Those in the IPCC group, by Carter’s description, have launched a bandwagon which has scared governments into parting with billions of pounds in research to substantiate man-made climate change while excluding the ‘independents’. According to Carter, the IPCC and its allies had successfully bullied the UK’s Royal Society, the US National Academy of Science and, by inference, the Nobel prize committee into uncritically accepting the case for man-made climate change.

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