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Rod Badams  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2013
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Lessons from Scripture
By R. Paul Stevens. Eerdmans (distributed by Alban Books). 176 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 0 802 866 967

Considering that 30 million people in the UK are in paid employment, it is surprising that more books are not published, and sermons preached, exploring biblical perspectives on the world of work. It dominates national and personal life, but the view which Christians should take of it, and of their part in it, goes largely unaddressed, as though the Bible were silent on these issues.

Work Matters is a welcome attempt to fill this void. Its broad definition of work as ‘any purposeful expenditure of energy — whether manual, mental or both, whether paid or not’ — brings its lessons relevantly to a wider readership. Although necessarily touching on the theology of work, the main focus is on 20 'work' situations found in the Bible, 17 of them based on Bible characters, from which are drawn lessons of attitude or conduct. The inclusion of Bezalel, Ruth, Nehemiah and Martha indicates the range of issues confronted.

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