Feeling it

Peter Newton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2013
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Living life in colour
By Graham Beynon. IVP. 179 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 890

There are plenty of books about when things go wrong with our emotions — books on depression, etc. But I can’t think of another book which addresses what part emotions should play in the normal Christian life as this one does.

The book is divided into two parts: understanding emotions biblically and emotions in practice. Emotions are notoriously difficult things to pin down, but Beynon brings a lot of clarity to a rather fuzzy subject. I found myself thinking, ‘Of course! Why haven't I ever thought of it as clearly as that before?!’ After looking at the perfect emotional life of Christ as our example, we are taken beneath the surface to look at what is happening in our hearts, finding that it is the things we value most that influence the way we feel. The challenge: to recalibrate our hearts by Scripture so that we value things rightly, and therefore feel appropriately about them.

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