Come home, please

Brian Edwards  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2012
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Hope for hurting parents
By Carl Muller. Day One. 88 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978 1 846 253 072

As an itinerant preacher, how often I have sat in the home of my hosts and listened to the sad story of children, carefully and lovingly reared in a Christian home, abandoning the faith of their parents and sometimes aggressively rejecting all that was once most precious to them.

For such parents, in fact for all parents, here is a succinct, sensitive and stimulating book. It will take less than an hour to read, but may fortify parents for years to come. Every Christian parent longs for their children to ‘follow through’, but not all enjoy that privilege. In ten, on-target chapters, Carl Muller packs Scripture, examples and encouragement into this book. Did I just miss advice on how to respond in conversation with those wonderful parents whose five children are all Christian leaders and married to delightful Christian partners, when our own are wandering far from the fold? With this small omission, this excellent book is well worth the investment of a couple of cups of coffee at Costa.

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