The email of the species is…

Andrew King  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2012
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What every Christian in the digital age ought to know
By David Clark. Day One. 108 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978 1 846 253 409

Just where can you start with such a vast topic? By reading this clear and accessible book. In his introduction, the author explains that his book is neither prescriptive nor philosophical, but ‘first and foremost practical’. Then, in approximately 100 pages, he sets out to identify, explain and explore how different internet technologies affect our lives.

Clark is surely right to note that, after the original internet explosion, the more recent impact has come through personalisation. And, given our deep-seated selfishness, many new technologies and applications are poised to feed our desire to be at the centre of our universe. We can tell our world we have just eaten pizza — and hope, within seconds, to be ‘liked’ for it!

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