Melchizedek alone

Stan Evers  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2012
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Old Testament appearances of Christ in human form
By James A. Boland. Christian Focus. 184 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978 1 845 506 278

Moody Press, Chicago, first published this book in 1978 and Christian Focus published a revised and expanded edition in 1999 — this book is a reprint of the updated version. Old Testament scholar, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., wrote a preface to the first edition. Additions include an extended, though still selected, bibliography that runs to three pages, and transliteration of Hebrew and Greek words. Boland is professor of biblical studies and theology at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.

The author prefers the term Christophany rather than theophany because it was God the Son rather than God the Father who appeared in human form before his incarnation at Bethlehem. Boland defines Christophany ‘as those unsought, intermittent and temporary, visible and audible manifestations of God the Son in human form, by which God communicated something to certain conscious human beings on earth prior to the birth of Jesus Christ’. This book is a theological study of the relevant biblical passages rather than a defence against erroneous views, though there are extensive references to other writers.

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