Last enemy

Nick McQuaker  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2012
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Facing death with courageous confidence in God
Edited by Nancy Guthrie. IVP. 160 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 265

‘We should familiarise ourselves with death during our lifetime...’ (Martin Luther). ‘Look by faith to your dying, buried, risen, ascended, glorified Lord. Nothing will more powerfully overcome both the poison and the fears of death’ (Richard Baxter). ‘Suffering makes us want to go to heaven. Broken homes and broken hearts crush our illusions that earth can keeps its promises’ (Joni Erickson Tada). These quotations indicate something of the scope of this collection of short meditations on the theme of sickness, suffering and death.

Spanning five centuries, these excerpts from books and sermons help the reader to think Christianly about death itself, as well as the illnesses and bodily ailments that are reminders of our mortality. The words of familiar contemporary writers, such as Timothy Keller and John Piper, rub shoulders with those of preachers and theologians of ages past, such as John Calvin, John Owen and Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

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