Blackberries for shepherds

Neil Todman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2012
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Emails of a journey through ministry
By Tim Cooper and Kelvin Gardiner. Christian Focus. 207 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978 1 845 507 848

What a remarkable book! Firstly, stylistically: this is fiction, written as a series of transcribed emails, mostly between a rookie pastor, Daniel, and his emeritus Uncle Eldon.

Secondly, in content: we are invited to learn from the wisdom given to Daniel as he takes his first faltering, self-centred steps in pastoral ministry, comes close to quitting, and then learns to lean on God’s grace in the midst of his own weakness and the ups and downs of church life. This could have been written in the manner of a ‘Lessons in Leadership’ manual. There is certainly enough good material for chapters on pride, lust, anger, managing conflict, dealing with criticism, setting boundaries, pastoral visitation and a whole lot more. But this is a triumph of style supporting substance. As fiction, this book grounds the lessons in life-like situations, so there is a much greater emotional connection between the reader and the characters. This is the key to the whole book. Its premise is that ministers often feel alone and their isolation can lead to other sins. The answer this book gives is: ‘No temptation, no situation in your church, no crisis in your life, has seized you except what is common to a man. And God is faithful’.

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