Uncle John

Timothy Dudley-Smith  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2012
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By Julia Cameron
Christian Focus. 154 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 1 845 507 879

John Stott’s name will need no introduction to readers of Evangelicals Now. He died last year, honoured as perhaps the most influential (and surely among the most godly) of the evangelical leaders of our generation. Any Christian could only be inspired and strengthened in faith by learning something of ‘Uncle John’, as he liked his younger friends to call him.

This short book, written with just such younger readers in mind, is an admirable introduction to the man himself, his life and his remarkable life’s work. Julia Cameron, Director of Publishing for the Lausanne Movement (a biblically-based movement for world evangelisation, which John Stott did much to found and foster), writes clearly and attractively, from her personal friendship with her subject, the recollections and assessments of many friends, and from published sources. The book is user-friendly, with short chapters interspersed with informative ‘fact-files’, a map, a timeline, questions to discuss, ideas for things to do and suggestions for further reading.

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