By Tim Meadowcroft
IVP. 281 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 517
In his introduction to this book the author refers to the difficulty in finding an appropriate approach to this theme in the Bible Speaks Today series. He has chosen to make the basic theme the fact that God speaks, and tackles it in four parts, each of which addresses some aspect of this (e.g. God speaks in Christ, God speaks today). Within each part there are five chapters which expound a particular biblical passage in relation to the heading of that part. So, in the section entitled ‘God speaks’, he looks at Psalm 19, Isaiah 55, etc.
By this method one finds that the passages one would expect to contribute to this theme are dealt with, and a good awareness of the exegetical issues is demonstrated. However, I am not convinced that through this a coherent outline of the theme of God speaking really emerges. Somehow the expositions do not go into enough detail to be entirely satisfying (for example, in Psalm 19 one would expect a bigger focus on the word revealing human sin).