Small, clear and helpful

Ed Moll  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2012
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By Stuart Olyott
EP Books. 112 pages. £5.99
ISBN 978 0 852 347 461

What can a small book usefully say about the Trinity? Stuart Olyott tells us that, while we can never fully explain how God is as he reveals himself, we can begin with what God has said. He goes on to set out the biblical teaching in a straight and simple manner. This is a primer to get the reader started on what the Bible says about the Trinity.

The first couple of chapters show us who God is, that he is one and yet three persons. Then three chapters each examine the evidence from the Scriptures that the Father, the Son and the Spirit are each fully God. Another three chapters look at what it means to speak of three distinct persons, to speak of the Son being begotten, and the Spirit proceeding. Three final chapters exhort us to keep this doctrine clear in our minds and close to our hearts, for our sakes and for the church’s sake. The Nicene Creed and suggestions for further reading form two Appendices, and there is a Scripture index (hurrah!).

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