
Rick Battenfield  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2012
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Learning from the best
By Simon Vibert. IVP. 176 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978 1 844 745 197

Simon Vibert, Vice Principle of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, has written an excellent book about how good preachers communicate. Based on a short survey of preachers, theological students and congregational members, he has selected for his assessment a broad range of preachers that people enjoy listening to.

The author starts in the right place by introducing Jesus Christ as the supreme example of preaching. He follows this with 12 chapters that each analyze the particular strengths of a modern preacher — mostly names we know well, such as Tim Keller, Vaughan Roberts and Alistair Begg. Those that are part of this evaluation were only intended to be a sample of good preaching. The author freely admits that there are many other preachers who could have been added.

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