Clear gospel

Peter Ninnis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2012
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By Gerard Chrispin
Day One. £15.00 (Main Book); £4.00 (Correspondence Course); £4.00 (Discussion Course); £20.00 (complete set)
ISBN 978 1 846 252 846

These books are intended to encourage faith in God through Jesus Christ. They are a clear explanation of the Gospel of Mark (who Jesus is, why he came, and what it means to follow him), have the strengths of simplicity and clarity, and assume no prior knowledge of the Bible.

It is designed to be used in different ways, either alone, or in a group. The core of the material is the Main Book. The Gospel is divided into 52 sections, along with explanations of key points. Each section concludes with three questions to help understanding. For those with little English, or with reading difficulties, there are four audio CDs. There are also plentiful notes on how to use the course to best effect, again with uncomplicated clarity, and the book finishes with a brief page of suggestions about further study.

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