A Life of A.T. (Tim) Houghton
By Timothy Yates
AuthorHouse. 152 pages. £5.99 (or £10.50 hardback)
ISBN 978 1 456 772 314
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The name Houghton became associated with remarkable missionary endeavours in the 20th century across the world.
This book is the life story of one of the dynasty whose life spanned almost the whole century. Following military service in India and Burma, A.T. Houghton returned to England to train as a missionary; he had answered an elderly lady’s question in 1910, about whether he was going to be a missionary, with a ‘I hope so’, and now he sought to honour that commitment.
Faithful brothers and sisters abroad need support
‘Ven. Ifeanyi Akunna asks for prayer as students travel back to the Abuja Diocesan Training College (Nigeria) for the beginning …