Young earth critique

Paul Garner  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2011
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Creation, Cosmology and Climate Change
By Philip Foster. St. Matthew Publishing. 248 pages. £10.95
ISBN 978 1 901 546 316

This is a book of two halves! The first is devoted to a critique of young-earth creationism (YEC) and the second to an attack on the hypothesis of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

The author, a retired evangelical Anglican clergyman with degrees in Biochemistry and Theology, rejects YEC as a modern innovation that denies the ‘absolutely overwhelming’ evidence for an ancient cosmos (p.27). However, his case against YEC is far from unassailable. Many of his arguments address side issues or outdated creationist claims. There is virtually no interaction with the up-to-date literature and the author appears to misunderstand the most recent YEC source that he cites (John Hartnett’s Starlight, Time and the New Physics, Creation Book Publishers, 2007). The cosmological model presented in that book is not based on the anti-relativistic ideas of Moon and Spencer (1953), as Foster suggests on p.31, but is, in fact, based on the relativistic theories of Einstein and Carmeli.

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