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Roger Welch  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2011
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Reaffirming the Sufficiency of Scripture
By Colin Hamer. Wipf & Stock Publishers. 167 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978 1 608 998 784

How do you discover the will of God for your life, get your guidance for key decisions?

Colin Hamer begins this book with a definition of the will of God in traditional ‘decreed’ and ‘prescriptive’ terms alone. He creates a conversation between a mature Christian, Tom, and two younger people, Ben and his wife Alice. The conversation explores the various ways Christians might know God’s will. Various ways are considered, all the time being compared with Scripture. The strength of the book is that it is a clear, well structured, and perhaps, above all, consistent review of how the Scriptures show us the will of God. Providence, feelings, the Spirit, prayer are all considered in the part they play, or don’t play, in this discovery.

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