He still speaks

Brian Talbot  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2011
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A companion to the New Park Street Pulpit
Edited by Terence Peter Crosby. Day One Publications. 316 pages. £15.00
ISBN 978 1 846 252 020

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was the most gifted Baptist preacher in Victorian England. His weekly sermons sold in their thousands and were eagerly read across the world.

This volume contains 28 of his early sermons, which appeared only in his journal, The Sword and Trowel, all but one after his death. It is stating the obvious in commending the orthodoxy of his doctrinal content and the helpfulness of many of the subjects he addresses in these sermons. Some of these items contain sermon notes rather than a fuller transcript of the messages, but the essence of his themes is clear.

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