Bible at night

Valerie Maidstone  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2011
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By James Hastings
Day One. 160 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978 1 846 252 327

Robert Hicks was born into a world where he knew only poverty, rejection and abuse while struggling with his own disabilities which could have been easily remedied if he had been in a caring family. One night he discovered a book which he had never seen before — a Bible, and from that moment his life began to change.

This book is an easy read, speaking on several levels: the long-lasting effects that the behaviour and attitudes of parents have on their children; the witness and help that the local church can give in the surrounding district; and, above all, the effect that God’s Word can have on the life of an individual. From his horrific start in life, Robert Hicks becomes a trophy of God’s grace. He was responsible for the creation and distribution of ten million Millennium Gospels and had considerable involvement in the Back to Church Sunday initiative. Another of God’s ‘Diamonds in the Dust’! Read and enjoy!

Val Maidstone, Dorking

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