Civil war sentimentality?

Sue Halliday  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2011
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By Faith Cook
Evangelical Press. 190 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978-0-85234-728-7

This short historical novel will interest all who want to feel what it might have been like to live in the past. It gives a flavour of living through the English Civil War and then, particularly, the Restoration period of Charles ll. It is a homely tale of parental love, of troubled teens growing into young adults and of redemption and God’s grace. So its appeal is truly broad.

The strength of the book is to clearly set out how a person’s doctrinal beliefs and knowledge of God can lead to painful decisions with harsh consequences if the government is opposed to such beliefs. And to experience this we do not go far in terms of geography or language but far in terms of time: back around 300 years. The people we read about are not only brothers and sisters in the faith, but, for most EN readers, great … great grandparents.

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