A knowing wink

Elisa Beynon  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2011
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Collected poetry, doggerel, and whimsy
By Adrian Plass. Authentic Media. 208 pages. £10.99
ISBN 978-1-85078-876-8

Most of us know Adrian Plass from his book, The Secret Diary of Adrian Plass, a Christian Speaker, aged 45 . However, in Silences and Nonsenses we discover that Plass is also a prolific writer of poetry.

Covering the last 25 years of his endeavours, it is an insight into the author’s Christian faith, his view of the church scene, life in general and his life in its various stages. All of these areas are explored with honesty, self-deprecation and a light-hearted humour which veers from amused wryness to unabashed silliness.

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