Readable women

Debbie Hardyman  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2011
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Finding God in extremes
By Jean Gibson. Authentic Media. 173 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-86024-808-5

Joyful in hope is a small and immensely readable book. It has eight chapters and each is a self-contained story of a different woman’s life. The stories told encompass a wide range of experiences but the common thread is that each woman has a deep faith that enables her to cope with difficult circumstances.

The issues faced include dealing with infertility, cancer, living with an autistic child, caring for a disabled husband and coping with bereavement. Each story is very well written and engaging. I found the book both easy to start and hard to put down. However, in a few chapters I felt some of the medical details could have been left out and the stories would still have held together.

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