Invasion of insects

Paul Adams  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2010
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By Michael Bentley
DayOne. 96 pages. £5.00
ISBN 978-1-84625-919-7

This little book is packed with expository highlights and practical wisdom.

Michael Bentley seems to have got under the skin of the prophet Joel. In an intriguing way, this devotional commentary mirrors both the style and the heart of the prophet. In the same way that Joel’s three chapters interleave the past, present and future, Bentley helps us to join the dots between the Old Testament text, its New Testament gospel meaning, and contemporary Christian living, while encouraging us to anticipate all that we do not yet see. Pursuing the prophet’s explanation of the locust plague, this book traces the devastating consequences of rebellion, and continues to call for repentance, before celebrating God’s promises of restoration and transformation.

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