Popping bubble wrap?

Sheila Stephen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2010
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Finding ways to manage your stress
By Ruth Fowke. CWR. 132 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-85345-542-1

This is a revised edition of this book, which is a blend of spiritual and psychological wisdom. It is written by someone with vast experience of helping and training people on this issue.

For the educated reader, this book packs a lot of information into a short space! It is divided up into three sections: Stress Management, Personality and Stress, and Food for Thought. The last section contains more of the overtly spiritual material and some searching insights. The book is replete with questions for the reader to answer or subjects to mull over. The section on Personality and Stress draws heavily on Myers Briggs divisions but in an accessible way. Read it more than once — to digest all the good advice!

Sheila Stephen, lecturer at WEST

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