Stripped for action

Mike Kendall  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 2010
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The truth about God exposed
By Martin Ayers
Matthias Media (available from The Good Book Company)
192 pages. £7.00
ISBN 978-1-921441-64-6

Naked God is the first book from Martin Ayers. The title is adapted from Jamie Oliver’s The Naked Chef. Just as Jamie stripped down food to its bare essentials, so Martin strips away the false ideas we’ve picked up from our culture or background to expose the truth about God.

The book falls into three parts. In the first, entitled Naked Truth, Martin reveals the depressing truth about what life is really like if God doesn’t exist. There is no real meaning or purpose to our lives, no real freedom, and no real right or wrong. The second, Naked Jesus, explores Jesus’s claim to be naked God (God in the flesh), before the final part exposes the truth about ourselves: Naked You. Here we see our real problem: there are only two ways we all respond to God (either to reject God and serve other things instead, or to try to be good and keep religious rules), and both leave us guilty before him. Martin then explores why Jesus came — to pay the ransom so that we can turn back to God — before leaving us with the choice we all face.

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