Crisp, crunchy and crucifying

Daphne Ross  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2010
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A story about loving the unloved
By Denise George. Christian Focus. 140 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-84550-551-6

Johnny Cornflakes is the true story of a young girl raised in segregated Tennessee. She knows only love, privilege and white American southern culture. As a new bride she is moved 1,200 miles north to Chelsea, a violent, multi-cultural inner city suburb of Boston, when her husband becomes minister of a run-down church.

The contrast between her upbringing and new life is extreme. She is unprepared for this and also for the challenge it will bring to her faith. She is no longer rich or safe or mixing with nice white people. Johnny Cornflakes is a local alcoholic who slept rough and scavenged food from dustbins. As far as she is concerned, he is unlovable and beyond redemption. God uses this man, along with a host of other characters, to open her eyes to her prejudice and arrogance.

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