Lord, speak to me that I may speak

Jonathan Prime  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2010
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The Holy Spirit’s vital role in unveiling his Word, the Bible
By Jeffrey Crotts. Day One. 133 pages, £7.00
ISBN 978-1-84625-166-5

When this short book fell through the letter box, a glance at my book shelves made me ask, ‘Do I really need another book on preaching?’

After a biblical theology of illumination and a historical overview focusing on Calvin’s teaching of ‘the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit, illumination is summed up as: 1) condemnation without illumination (the desperate state of the spiritually dead); 2) communication for illumination (proclamation of God’s Word being the means the Spirit uses to remove spiritual darkness); 3) conversion by illumination (‘when the lights come on’); and 4) convictions gained from illumination (growing certainty regarding biblical truth).

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