Servants or celebrities?

Clive Bullock  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2009
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Living the cross and resurrection
By Tim Chester. IVP. 222 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-377-3

What do we expect of a ‘normal’ Christian life? In this book Tim Chester offers an extended exploration of the twin themes of death and resurrection from the New Testament Scriptures.

Contrary to so much off-beam contemporary teaching, the author consistently and practically unfolds the apostolic teaching. He summarises this as follows: ‘The Christian life is not a life of victory and power, nor is it a life of weakness. It’s a life of power in weakness. Through the Holy Spirit we experience the power of resurrection from the coming age, so that we might follow the way of the cross in the present age’ (p.170). A great strength of the book is the clarity with which Chester relates the eschatological significance of Christ’s death and resurrection to practical discipleship in these last days in which we live.

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