Interrupting Ehrman: another attack on the reliability of the Bible

Anthony McRoy  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2009
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Revealing the hidden contradictions in the Bible (and why we don’t know about them)
By Bart Ehrman. Harper Collins. 292 pages. US$25.99
ISBN 978-0-06-117393-6

Readers of EN may remember a previous article where I reviewed several books by Bart Ehrman.

I observed that Ehrman had previously been a professing evangelical, but thereafter became an agnostic with a strongly liberal agenda in regard to biblical criticism. Ehrman is a prolific writer, gifted to present his work in a very accessible way for readers who have little academic theological education. The problem for evangelicals is that this means he is popularising often hardened modernist biblical criticism. This latest book has already received considerable attention in America.

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