Gospel ministry in turbulent times
By Noel Gibbard. Bryntirion Press. 232 pages. £12.95
ISBN 978-1-85049-231-3
If you’re into church history, you’ll enjoy this book; if you’re into Welsh church history, it’s a win, win!
R.B. Jones wasn’t just another fiery Welsh preacher from the valleys, he rose to a position of some national Christian influence and his wisdom and leadership were sought by many. His life and ministry were shaped by three movements that make him an unusual weather vane of the church on the threshold of the 20th century: the Welsh Revival of 1904; the Keswick Holiness Movement; and the rise of Modernism in the church. Together these developments gave him both personal learning curves to climb and theological battles to fight. Blessed with huge energy, organisational flair and a passion to train men for gospel work, ‘RB’, as he was affectionately known, was in some ways ahead of his time.