To the church and its mission
By Patrick Sookhdeo. Isaac Publishing. 192 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978-0-9787141-5-4
This is a book that should be read by every church leader, especially those whose ministry includes an area with a Muslim population, and by every Christian leader at a national level. The author is an acknowledged authority on Islam, having been converted to Christ when a young adult.
The book is written in sensible sections: Understanding Islam, Comparing Islam with Christianity, Issues, and, finally, Christian-Muslim Relations. The first two of these sections are centred on the theology of the two faiths and their implications, especially in terms of spirituality, morality and culture. Many Christians will probably have a vague knowledge on these matters, but Sookhdeo presents them clearly and concisely. The contrasts between Islam and Christianity with respect to gospel issues are helpfully described. As he says, ‘But Christians must always bear in mind that Islam denies the heart of the Christian faith’ (p.59).