What is God saying to Britain?

John Benton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2009
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A prophecy being fulfilled
By Clifford Denton and Paul Slennett
Distributed by Kingsway and available from Christian bookshops
190 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-0-9560849-0-3

The subject of modern-day prophecy is a controversial one among evangelicals. This book is based around a prophecy which one of the authors, Paul Slennett, received in 1989, and which spoke of a mighty earthquake that would shake the economic system of Great Britain.

The authors had the courage to step out in faith and make this prophecy generally known in 1997 when the first edition of this book was published. Now, they believe, with some justification, that, with the credit crunch which has shaken the City of London to its roots and plunged Britain into enormous and unprecedented debt, part of the prophecy has come to pass. It is seen as the first of three ‘woes’ which are to come as God’s judgments on Britain, calling the nation to repent. We need to repent not least of revoking and reviling traditional British laws based on the ten commandments and moving away from the commitment enshrined in the monarch’s Coronation Oath to uphold the biblical Protestant faith in this country.

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