Vital and ambitious churches

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2009
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One church’s amazing story of growth through mission-shaped communities
By Mark Stibbe & Andrew Williams
Authentic Media. 252 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978-1-86024-596-1

This book is the latest chapter in the story of St. Andrew’s Chorleywood, well known for its past associations with the ministries of John Wimber and David Pytches.

Stibbe and Williams (vicar and associate vicar at the time in view) describe how the church was transformed from ‘cruise liner’ to ‘lifeboat’ mode — from a ‘come-to-us’ to a ‘go-to-them’ model of mission. Essentially this was achieved by assigning church members to ‘mid-sized communities’ (MSCs) of about 40 adults which meet most Sundays in community and school halls, cafes and the like and only once or twice a month gather all together. These MSCs are mobile, flexible and able to engage easily and naturally with the community. The result has been an adventure for the church, much greater mobilisation of its members and significant growth in both numbers and discipleship.

This review is no place to deal with all the tricky issues this book will raise — its assumptions about prophecies (what are the controls?), signs and wonders or positive assessment of the ‘Toronto Blessing’. For some, the authors’ stance on these issues will immediately invalidate their conclusions.

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