Weight of glory

John Gillespie  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2009
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And his passion for the Majesty of God
By John Piper. IVP. 60 pages. £4.99
ISBN 978-1-84474-356-8

From the helpful pen of John Piper we have a brief and accessible ‘primer’ on the life and spiritual heartbeat of John Calvin. Piper’s offering is aimed at promoting the Majesty of God, by displaying in a most readable little book the God-saturated life, mind, and heart of the Reformer here in the 500th year of John Calvin’s birth.

For many of us, John Calvin’s life and theology have been little appreciated and even less explored. Many have thought his thinking inaccessible, or have halted our discoveries of the man and his radiant heart at the first protest of our unlearned colleagues: ‘Calvin! Wasn’t he the one who was into predestination?’

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