Tenuous links

Richard Peskett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2009
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By John Legg
Evangelical Press. 204 pages. £8.95
ISBN 978-0-85234-677-8

I have recently been preaching through Genesis and have been delighted by the many references to Christ, along with the beautiful pictures of his ministry and offices, so glancing at the back cover I looked forward to reading this book by John Legg: ‘In this insightful work John Legg shows the prophet as a forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ... Mr. Legg gives a model of how to preach Christ from the Old Testament’.

The book does contain many encouragements to trust Christ, and other sound advice for Christians, but I thought the exegesis was poor: lessons learnt from each Bible passage often seemed only tenuously linked to the text. Furthermore, points made are not driven home before new lessons are taught, so that the book is like a cake which has too many different ingredients and simply does not hold together.

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