The person and life of Christ
By Thomas F. Torrance
Edited by Robert T. Walker
Paternoster. 372 pages. £14.99
ISBN 978-1-84227-607-5
T.F. Torrance (1913-2007) was Professor of Christian Dogmatics at New College, University of Edinburgh, from 1952-1979. He wrote prolifically for a quarter of a century thereafter.
His contributions on the trinity, epistemology, and the interaction of theology and science can hardly be exaggerated. He was among the most important theologians of the 20th century and probably the most significant in the English-speaking world. Torrance is often considered a Barthian, but was too powerful a theologian to be labelled by another man’s theology. Karl Barth, under whom Torrance did his doctorate, undoubtedly had a strong impact on him, but so did he on Barth, while Athanasius and Cyril, together with Calvin, have at least as much claim to have impacted him.