Life with a grin?

Shirley Jebb  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2009
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By Michael & Hilary Perrott
CWR. 122 pages. £6.99
ISBN 978-1-85345-485-1

This book is one of a series, the others covering marriage and parenting, and is set out like a Highway Code booklet. It is easy to read and aims to show the path to happiness. ‘The concept is one of down-to-earth wisdom that draws on biblical principles but in a way that commends the advice to readers of any faith or none.’

It defines happiness as being shaped by our Attitudes, Beliefs and Choices. There are good illustrations and fine quotes, for instance Abraham Lincoln: ‘Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be’. Errol Flynn is reported to have been disillusioned with his way of life at the end; in contrast, Augustine said: ‘O God , you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’. There is much sensible advice, for example: ‘Hope and hard work is a recipe for success’, and they quote Michael Mark, a Polish immigrant who had the slogan, ‘Don’t ask the price — it’s a penny’! His present chain of stores charges much more! Because the authors say happiness is influenced by the mind, body and soul they offer good counsel concerning health, exercise, relaxation, relationships, service to others and so on.

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