Strengths and weaknesses

Andrew King  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2009
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A Critique of Richard Dawkins’
The God Delusion
By Rob Slane
Day One. 80 pages. £4.00
ISBN 978-1-84625-126-9

This book sets out ‘to embolden Christians to stand up for their beliefs’ and to ‘cause atheists and agnostics to question . . . their faith’. It is written for the layperson and assumes no detailed scientific knowledge. As such it is very readable and informative, if somewhat weak on the science.

In The God Delusion, Dawkins argues that the existence of God is highly improbable and that natural selection can adequately explain everything from life to the origins of religion and the roots of morality. He attacks what he sees as the immorality of the Bible and rants against the evils of faith and the particular evils of a religious upbringing which he equates with child abuse. Rob Slane deals with each of these themes in turn and seeks to show the flaws, ignorance and duplicity of Dawkins’s arguments.

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