By H.H. Osborn
Apologia. 288 pages. £7.95
ISBN 978-1-901566-08-0
The question which motivated the author to write this book was: ‘If what I believed the Bible said about me was true, why was that information not presented to me in such a way that I would have no doubts about it at all?’ (p.6). He came to the conclusion that there is a key to understanding the Bible but ‘it is a hidden key’.
He believes that the answers to the big questions people are asking are found in the Bible. These answers are revealed by God, not worked out by human intelligence and ‘hidden’ in the sense that they are not immediately obvious to readers of the Bible. However, ‘the hidden key’ is based on ‘objective reasoning not mystical or intuitive thinking’. The information it provides ‘is consistent with itself’ and ‘is simple to understand and all it unlocks is not difficult to grasp’ (p.12).