Out of the East

Peter Day  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2009
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An Experience of the Ultimate Truth
By Michael Graham
Authentic Media. 228 pages. £8.99
ISBN 978-81-7362-760-6

On the first reading I forgot I was to be a reviewer; such is the gripping account of a man who has a passionate desire to seek after truth. His spiritual journey begins in the fertile world of eastern religions and Indian gurus.

There’s not a prominent respected person in that field of study, it seems, that he has not met or been influenced by, and it is not as if he was just involved as a spectator — he went on to be a teacher in his own right. Yet there was an ever seeking but never finding unease that in the end led him to the source of all Truth. It really is a great read.

One of the outstanding features of the book is the way in which in the closing chapters he evaluates some of the cardinal philosophical thoughts behind Eastern spiritual traditions. These I found most helpful, enlightening and challenging.

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