By Ruth Valerio
CWR. 32 pages. £3.25
ISBN 978-1-85345-481-3
Getting to grips with being green is not easy. Ruth Valerio has written a booklet to help us. It takes the form of a four-part series of group studies. Each study starts with the Bible (creation, fall, Israel’s land, re-creation), examines an environmental issue (climate change, deforestation, biodiversity, water), and points out practical steps (food, travel, energy, waste).
If the people in your house group have a green conscience, but feel isolated and unsure where to start, try this booklet. There is plenty to discuss! Valerio suggests ‘ending each week by asking people to commit to one practical change they will make to their lives’ and then starting next time ‘by informally sharing what has happened’. That is not quite as terrifying as it sounds, and it puts you in the firing line together!