Can sociology rescue the churches?

Steve Wilmshurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2009
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Bible, Church and Mission in an Age of Imagination
By Colin Greene & Martin Robinson. Paternoster. 278 pages. £11.99
ISBN 978-1-84227-506-1

The background to this book is the steep decline in church membership and influence in most of the West and our current cultural setting of postmodernity. The book is an attempt to define a ‘new model of mission based on radical cultural engagement’.

At some point in the 1960s, the ‘Christianity narrative’ ceased to persuade; and re-using our old methods to try and reverse the slide simply won’t work. Metavista is a description of the postmodern world where new narratives have the opportunity to emerge and convince. Thus this is the sort of book that makes the following statements: ‘The metavista world we now inhabit… is an extended hyperspace that awaits legitimisation’ (p.88). You have been warned!

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