God’s gracious dealings

Henry Dixon  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 2009
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Gospel hope for hurting people: the life lessons of Mike Milton
By Mike Milton. Christian Focus. 160 pages. £7.99
ISBN 978-1-84550-276-8

Testimony books can provide a way of introducing the gospel in an easy-to-read way to unbelievers, and of teaching and encouraging young believers. Unfortunately, many contemporary testimony books introduce people to a version of Christianity which is wanting doctrinally. This can lead to confusion and difficulty for the young Christian. This book, however, combines being easy to read with having a doctrinal basis which is as sound as a bell.

Mike Milton was conceived as an accident following an encounter between two alcoholics. His mother nearly had him aborted, and brought him up in his early years in an abusive relationship. He was rescued from this situation by his paternal aunt, who was a godly woman. However, in his teenage years and early 20s he went far away from what his aunt had taught him. Then, over a period of time, he started to attend church, though still not converted. He was asked to go on an ‘Evangelism Explosion’ course by the minister of a church he was attending, to learn how to explain the gospel to others. On the first night he was himself converted, and rushed home to tell the gospel to his wife, who was also converted. He has subsequently been ordained as a Presbyterian minister, and has had a very fruitful ministry.

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