Visionary pioneer?

Valerie Griffiths  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2008
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By John Appleby
William Carey and the early years of the first Baptist missionary society. Grace Publications (dist. by Evangelical Press). 310 pages. £14.95
ISBN 978-0-946462-74-2

Although much has been written already about these events 200 years ago, thoughtful readers will still find plenty to stimulate their thinking today. Since Appleby himself served in South India for many years with the Grace Baptist Mission and writes from a Reformed standpoint, he is well-placed to handle the many facets of William Carey’s life as pastor, evangelist, pioneer missionary, team leader, linguist, translator, educationalist, botanist horticulturalist, and social reformer.

Carey was a man of extraordinary breadth and depth, a visionary Calvinist who longed to see the gospel taken across the world, and was ready to stand up against criticism and opposition from whatever source in order to see those visions fulfilled.

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